At No Bikini Beach



History in the making

After shows in Waterfront, de Bakkerij and Vera, Museum Boymans, Rotown, LVC, the amazing State X Festival and a 10 day European tour, At No Bikini Beach felt they should stick around.
The band is drummer Bart Hoevenaars (guitar/vocals in Mono), Arnold van de Velde (drummer Feverdream) on guitar and Rene Van Lien (guitar/vocals Feverdream) on bass.
The band was founded three years ago, based on the idea of trying to discover another instrument. Three years and some shows later proof is here, it worked...At No Bikini Beach mixes dance nd (avant-)rock in an instrumental medley that rocks the roof of your house, creating a new direction for themselves within the Dutch Underground.
The shows in Waterfront and Vera were very successful for both band and public.

Think of At No Bikini Beach as a wave of stirring melodies supported by a low, rhythmical bass flow and a drummer drumming like he's the drums themselves. You won't find complete choruses, verses, pop or rock songs. It's all about the flow and holding on to it. But hey...this is what you get when you have to describe your own music..

Recordings are planned for November. We are doing shows when asked though. At No Bikini Beach is not expensive, so if you've got some room for a band featuring members from experienced bands, exploring the outer limits of instrumental tension and not afraid of danceability.... Hey! we will do your wedding or Birthday too. That`s the most fun anyway.

Here are some comparisons and quotes we've gotten after the first gigs,
"Steely Dan, The robocop kraus, Trans Am, Radio 4, de Vogels, ragga, dub, dance, rock"
“You don't even miss the singer, weird, but awesome.”
“Typically a band that would have played on the first Woodstock.”
“And finishing last is........At No Bikini Beach!”
“Convincing or arrogant?”
“I really expected some improvised rooting or something that sounds like Feverdream or Mono.”
"What about the clothes dudes?"

Or, as Vera's Arnoud Heikens put it in a review in Vera Newspaper, about the Vera show:
“The concert began around 11:30. And it was surprisingly good! Thank God for that, because I know these guys well and it sucks writing a bad review about them. But really, I enjoyed it very much! Really special post/avant rock, instrumental, but you don't miss the vocals for a second. It rocked, was original and had charisma. Don't stop at just being a project, guys!”

At no Bikini Beach is proud to say we came out 4th in the Vera Kelderbar poll. A real achievement for a first time appearance.
We are also proud to say we were invited back to VERA and played an even more amazing show in the basement!

High Res Pics: Coming soon!

Rotown, Rotterdam met Damo Suzuki, enkele Vogels

01. Ibiza Hut

Rene van Lien
Band website: